Excellent flavor, variety sets a new standard for black currant and firm berries.
A very early maturing variety, about 14 days before Ben Connan and produces great firm fruits with a delicious taste.
Ebony is an excellent dessert berries, with very sweet berry (up to 15% Brix).
A moderately vigorous plant with an open, easily spread canes.
This variety can be successfully grown available trained.
Ebony is resistant to powdery mildew but slightly susceptible to other fungal diseases.
Protect against gall mites.
Have a high yields of exceptionally large fruit on a compact bush. These large berries, up to 18 mm in diameter, on medium bunches makes picking relatively economical.
Yields of up to 4.4kg per bush.
The variety is early and has good resistance to diseases, including powdery mildew.
Ben Connan has a good crisp black currant flavor.
Very high yielding variety with large fruits on short bunches, making harvesting easy.
Resistance to frost and mildew.